Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, Vol 52, Issue 1 B10-B19, Copyright © 1997 by The Gerontological Society of America
WT Cefalu, JD Wagner, ZQ Wang, AD Bell-Farrow, J Collins, D Haskell, R Bechtold and T Morgan
Department of Internal Medicine, Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University, USA.
Caloric restriction has been demonstrated to retard aging processes and extend maximal life span in rodents, and is currently being evaluated in several nonhuman primate trials. We initiated a study in 32 adult cynomolgus monkeys to evaluate the effect of caloric restriction on parameters contributing to atherosclerosis extent. Following pretrial determinations, at which time a baseline measure of ad libitum (ad lib) dietary intake was assessed, animals were randomized to an ad lib fed group (control) or a caloric restriction group (30% reduction from baseline intake). The animals are being evaluated for glycated proteins, insulin, glucose, insulin sensitivity measures, and specific measures of body fat composition by CT scans (e.g., intra-abdominal fat) over specified intervals. The results from the first year of observation demonstrate a significant diet effect on body weight, and specifically intra-abdominal fat. Further, insulin sensitivity has been significantly increased after 1 year of caloric restriction compared to the ad lib fed group. These studies indicate that caloric restriction has a marked effect on a pathologic fat depot, and this change is associated significantly with an improvement in peripheral tissue insulin sensitivity.
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